There’s a notable difference that takes place between the time guests arrive and depart from their stay. They appear refreshed, happy, and more vibrant, and often note the change in how they feel, saying they never want to leave. Is it the fresh air, the divine beauty of this land, or the time together, or all of the above? Whatever it is, we hope you too experience the same when you come visit, and leave feeling a little lighter, like a breath of fresh air!
Powerful Breathing Exercises
Deep conscious breathing techniques help to reduce stress and stimulate the flow of blood and lymph throughout the body. This may increase blood flow to the brain and organs, and improving immune system function.
Some breath exercises induce deep breathing naturally, including some forms of yoga; also beneficial are fast walking and running during when air circulates in and out of the lungs at an increased rate.
Healing the Mind, Body & Consciousness
There are many things we can do to help the mind, body, and consciousness. Here are but a few:
1. Get physical: Make time to exercise, be it walking, dancing or running. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity at least 5 days a week. This can be as easy as just walking part of the way to the office or the grocery store. A dog is often a better walking partner than an exercise buddy. Choose an activity you enjoy; if you’re having fun, you’re more likely to stick with it.
2. Let the sunshine in: Get at least 20 minutes of daily sun exposure, preferably at noon in the summer (but take care to avoid sunburns!). This will boost your body’s natural production of Vitamin D. As an alternative, discuss the option of taking a Vitamin D3 supplement with your doctor.
3. Banish bad chemicals: Avoid exposure to common household contaminants. You should air out your dry-cleaning for two hours before storing or wearing it; use organic cleaning products (or wear gloves); don’t heat liquids or food in hard plastics; avoid cosmetics with parabens and phthalates; don’t use chemical pesticides in your house or garden; replace your scratched Teflon pans; filter your tap water (or used bottled water) if you live in a contaminated area; don’t keep your cell phone close to you when it is on.
4. Reach Out: Reach out to at least two friends for support (logistical and emotional) during times of stress. Spend time together in person as much as possible where you can with people who are supportive and accepting.
5. Remember to breathe: Learn a basic breathing relaxation technique to let out some steam whenever you feel stressed.
6. Get involved: Find out how you can best give something back to your local community, then give it.
7. Cultivate happiness like a garden: Make sure you do one thing you love for yourself on most days (it doesn’t have to take long!).